Exciting opportunity for Women to work at Tata Steel Mines

Empowering women has been a key area of focus at Tata Steel and to strengthen Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Mining, recruitment of women, to be trained and deployed, as Mining Mate has been envisaged, with the launch of a special recruitment drive, “TEJAS”

Applications are invited from women candidates interested in making a career in Mining and possessing the prescribed qualifications. The selected women will be trained in the roles and responsibilities of Mining Mate through specially designed training modules. 

Name of the Position: Operation Assistant (Mining) – Trainee

Full-time Diploma in Mining or Matriculate with at least 2 years experience in Mining
Candidates with Foreman’s Certificate/ Mining Mate Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS as per MMR (Metalliferous Mines Regulations), 1961 will be given preference.
a. Women candidates possessing Mining Mate Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS.
b. Women candidates with full-time Diplomas in Mining from recognized institutes.
c. Employee Wards (Female) i.e. Daughter/ Spouse of employees of OMQ or Ex-employees of OMQ who have retired/expired/separated from service of the Company. d. Local women candidates residing in and around OMQ (Noamundi/ Joda/ Others), with a valid registration number from Kiriburu/ Keonjhar/ Bonai (Rourkela) employment exchange Must be between 18 years & 38 years 6 months of age as of 01/05/2024.
01 (One) year. The training period may be extended, depending upon the performance, and obtaining the statutory Mining Mate Certification by DGMS under MMR 1961.
On successful completion of assessment after training, followed by obtaining the DGMS certification, candidates will be considered for appointment in the prevailing structure of grades at that point of time.
During the period of training, the trainees will be paid a stipend. (The rate of stipend will be 1.1 times the minimum wage of the semi-skilled category as notified by the Central Government). Application in the prescribed form should be submitted online on or before 12/04/2024.

Application Process
After applying online, the following documents of the candidate should be sent to email ID [email protected]:
i. Copy of the Matriculation/ School Leaving Certificate mentioning date of birth
ii. Copy of Educational Qualification documents
iii. Copy of Aadhar Card
iv. Copy of Domicile Certificate for local Candidates
v. Copy of Experience certificate issued by Mines Manager in the format prescribed by DGMS
vi. Copy of Foreman’s Certificate/ Mining Mate Certificate issued by DGMS as per MMR.

About the Author

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