Empowering Students Through a Transformative Career Guidance Session

In a bid to shape the aspirations of tomorrow’s leaders, Pm Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru Vidyalaya in Hathgarh, Keonjhar, recently hosted a dynamic Career Guidance Session. The event, attended by students from classes 9, 10, 11, and 12, proved to be a stepping stone towards informed career choices and personal development.

A Glimpse Into the Session:
The session kicked off with an open discussion about various career avenues, providing students with valuable insights into different professional paths. This interactive dialogue set the stage for a holistic approach to career planning.

During a side break activity, students had the opportunity to engage with the facilitator, establishing a comfortable rapport conducive to effective learning. The focus was not just on imparting knowledge but also on fostering an environment where students felt inspired and encouraged to explore their potential.

The Catalysts of Change:
Guiding the students on this enlightening journey were two distinguished speakers—Mr. Vishal Jaiswal, a Young Professional from the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India, and Miss Sudha, a Skill Development cum Employment Officer from the Government of Odisha. Their expertise, coupled with the presence of two Junior Skill Development cum Employment Officers, added depth and richness to the session.

NCS Portal: Opening Doors to Opportunities:
A pivotal aspect of the session was the introduction of the National Career Service (NCS) portal. Students were not only made aware of its existence but were also encouraged to register on the platform to leverage its vast array of benefits. The NCS portal serves as a one-stop solution for career-related queries, job searches, and skill development resources.

Motivation Through Agniveer Scheme:
As the session drew to a close, students were inspired by a discourse on the Agniveer Scheme. This motivational talk aimed to ignite a sense of purpose and determination, urging young minds to explore the opportunities presented by this initiative.

Question & Answer Forum:
The event concluded with a dynamic question-and-answer session. Students actively participated, seeking guidance on various aspects of their academic and professional journey. The articulate responses from the officers and teachers ensured that every query was addressed comprehensively, leaving no room for uncertainty.

The Career Guidance Session at Pm Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru Vidyalaya was more than an informative event; it was a catalyst for empowerment. By providing students with knowledge, resources, and a platform for interaction, the session aimed to equip them with the tools needed to make informed decisions about their futures. As these young minds embark on their academic and professional journeys, the seeds planted during this session are sure to blossom into a forest of possibilities and achievements.

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